Work With Us
HomeWork With Us
Why work with us?
Our contractors and members:
Our contractors are business owners who understand the need to get a job done on time, on budget, and with the highest quality work. Like you, they work to keep their shops up to date with most reliable and state-of-the-art equipment. They know that high standards bring innovation, safety, and creativity to the design, manufacture, and installation of the most complex energy delivering systems.
They bring these high standards and productivity to every assignment, large or small, and can assure you that all of their building projects are completed safely and efficiently. Our affiliated electrical contractors, and the IBEW members they employ, meet or surpass all contract requirements on time, to specifications, and with an outstanding record of safety. They are dedicated to maintaining these high standards and demonstrating quality work on every assignment. This ensures that your building projects are completed in the most efficient and safe manner, and that your energy systems remain safe and reliable for years to come.
The partnership between the Twin Ports Arrowhead Chapter of NECA and IBEW Local 242 offers the best-trained, safest and most experienced electrical workers in the region. We do this through our Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC). This committee is charged with the responsibility of training all apprentices and the continuing education of our Journeymen, Masters, and Contractors. Our JATC spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to educate our workforce so they can be the most productive and safest workforce in the industry. Each Apprentice is required to complete a 5 year apprenticeship program that includes over 8000 hour of On-The-Job- Training, as well as over 720 hours in the classroom before they are allowed to test for their Journeyman’s license.
There is a simple reason for this: our workforce is better trained, more highly skilled, and our contractors are held to a higher standard so they maintain safety policies that are second to none in the industry. This focus on safety also has bonus rewards for your bottom line. A safe workforce lowers costs, reduces accidents, and increases productivity. Whether measured in higher safety scores, lower insurance rates, or the simple act of a worker returning to his/her family in one piece, safety is good for business.
Our contractors and members live right here in your community. Our contractors hire their employees locally and those employees contribute back to the economy of the local community by spending their paychecks locally. In 2016 alone, our contractors and members generated over 750,000 man hours and that contributed over $43 million to the local economy. NECA-IBEW contractors and members also participate in many community programs, including sponsoring local youth sports and academics organizations, participating in Habitat for Humanity projects, and other programs to benefit seniors, children and the underserved.